IPCC 1, 2, 3 - Agrecalc features alignment

Aligning with IPCC Tier 1, 2, 3 - the core of Agrecalc calculations

Agrecalc is Platform-as-a-Service carbon footprinting software. Our calculation software transforms farm level data into emissions estimates, carbon sequestration figures, and key performance indicators.

The carbon footprinting calculator in agriculture relies on equations published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the UK Government to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from all major on-farm and upstream sources, returning these estimates in the form of  simple tables and charts.

The table below represents an overview of Agrecalc features and their alignment with IPCC tier 1, 2, 3 methodologies:

  • Agrecalc is aligned with IPCC (2019) Tiers 1, 2 and 3 methodologies across the calculator. We are PAS 2050:2011 compliant and are broadly aligned with the main industry related carbon frameworks: ISO 14064 and ISO 14067, GHG Protocol, and FLAG SBTi. We are moving towards full alignment with industry standards as part of ISO accreditation in 2025 to ISO14064 and ISO14067.
  • We include GWP* as a separate (elective) metric alongside traditional GWP100 reporting metrics. 
  • We continue to report to AR5 standard, and will move to AR6 when this is standard for UK Government reporting.
  • For embedded emissions, we are Tier 2: energy use (UK Govt conversion factors), fertiliser manufacture (Fertilizers Europe, 2018), feed databases (GFLI).

Farm Activity

Is it in Agrecalc Cloud?

IPCC calculation tier

Arable and Grassland


Mix of tier 1 and 2 calculations. For UK farms, tier 3 equations are used for nutrient application.



Tier 2



Tier 2



Tier 2



Tier 2

Anaerobic Digestion


Tier 2

Feed methane inhibitors


Tier 3

Nitrification / Urease inhibitors


Tier 3



Tier 1; pending tier 2 update 2025



Tier 1; pending tier 2 update 2025

Soil carbon


Tier 1; pending tier 2 update 2025


Pending initial release 2025

Tier 1


Pending further release 2025

Tier 1

Feed Ration module

Pending further release 2025

Tier 2

Ammonia Module

Pending further release 2025

Tier 3

All ruminant emissions are Tier 2, all pig and poultry are Tier 2 (FAO GLEAM). Tier 1 equations remaining under land use and crops relate primarily to indirect nitrous oxide from land and livestock management. 

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