Harmonisation webinar – recording

In a record-breaking event attended by close to 500 delegates, the three leading carbon calculators have explained what this collaboration means for users across the agri-food supply chain, and have invited everyone to join us on this journey. Watch the recording below.

In a massive step forward, in June 2024, the three major calculators have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to harmonise the scientific methodologies that power our calculators in the background.

To update our audiences on the progress and invite you to come on this journey wit us, we held a joint webinar in which we outlined the reasons behind the collaboration and the plans on how to move forward.

A resounding success

And you have shown up in amazing numbers! There were 790 people registered for the webinar, and 480, from 38 different countries, joined us live on the day. We understand that some of you have not been able to join us live, and we have sent the recording to everyone who signed up.

We have also got an astounding number of questions – 116 of them – and we’ll be following up with the answers in the next few weeks and months. Look out for our social posts and new blogs – we can assure you that we’ll answer all of those queries to the best of our abilities.

Without further ado, here’s the recording of the webinar:

Overwhelmingly positive reception

With comments like ‘Great to see this work happening!’, we can continue with our collaboration with the aim to bring greater consistency, trust and support to the agriculture sector, by providing the insights enabling a positive response to the climate emergency.

Over time, we will look to set up a best practice guide which can offer greater assurances to the sector as well as working on enabling movement of data between Calculators.

[Altohugh] it does indeed appear to be 'early days', I wish you every success ‘in the coming months and years' in the academic and technical collaboration across methodology, ‘languages’, data, etc, towards harmonisation. Let’s hear from you again when you have harmonised [...] crucially, as a common language in dealing with external authorities and related businesses partners.

We will continue to keep you posted via our websites, newsletters and social media channels, so sign up for our newsletters and hit that follow button on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Need expert guidance on your low-carbon journey?

Reach out to our friendly team and request a demo of our brand new version of the tool - Agrecalc Cloud.

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