Agrecalc Cloud migration update
Please read on for important information regarding the migration to Agrecalc Cloud and how you can request to be migrated earlier than planned.
Please read on for important information regarding the migration to Agrecalc Cloud and how you can request to be migrated earlier than planned.
A new initiative to deliver accreditation to futureproof agricultural, food supply chain and land-based businesses on the journey to net zero has been launched by Agrecalc’s partner, SAC Consulting, and an environmental charity.
A Scottish investment programme has seen the highest-ever number of university spin-outs in 2022/23, facilitating the creation of homegrown high-value jobs and the development of new products and services for domestic and international markets.
Agrecalc is among the six enterprises that show significant potential to further commercialise innovative ideas and projects.
Using Agrecalc for a whole farm carbon baselining, this three-year programme will focus on reducing the carbon emissions from growing barley and wheat for Scotch whisky, including Johnnie Walker, Singleton and Talisker.
A science-based approach will be taken, working closely with Agricarbon, James Hutton Limited, Scottish Agronomy and SAC Consulting.
The programme will look to support a reduction in Scope 3 carbon-emissions and build long-term resilience into Diageo’s supply chain.
During the redevelopment of the Soil Carbon Module for our new platform we have identified inconsistencies in results within some farm types and regions.
Those inconsistencies have raised significant questions, namely in the interpretation of results.
The switch to align Agrecalc with the national GHG inventories across the UK governments is imminent. We are moving to using the coefficients from the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report, also known as AR5.
We explain what it means for your carbon footprint results and how to interpret them.
In a video podcast by The Agri-Food Pioneers, Agrecalc, as guest speakers, discuss calculating agricultural resources, and its benefits to saving money, time, and uncovering hidden potential on farms.
Watch the video with Kaia Waxenberg and Scott Davies highlighting how Agrecalc Cloud can help farmers take control of their own carbon narrative.
A Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) graduate has used Agrecalc to undertake a comprehensive analysis of carbon audits of suckler herd farms, thus securing a prestigious scholarship, in addition to her BSc honours degree in agriculture.
The launch of Agrecalc Cloud is not just about the modern interface or new features; it’s about refining the underlying science and data. We explain what it means for your carbon footprint results and how to interpret them.