Transitioning to Agrecalc Cloud

Here is everything you need to know right now on how transition to Agrecalc Cloud - our state-of-the-art platform - will develop.

The team at Agrecalc is immensely grateful for your continuing support for the Agrecalc carbon footprint calculator. Without you, our journey during these 16 years of Agrecalc’s existence would not have been possible.

We have announced on our website and social media, that positive changes are on the horizon for Agrecalc. Our team has tirelessly worked to bring to you our updated platform: Agrecalc Cloud.

Here are a few things you’ll need to know about what’s available to you and what will be happening in the next few weeks, and what you need to do.

Starting your journey

  • Upon logging in to the current platform, you will notice a sentence on the Welcome page inviting you to  “…start using Agrecalc Cloud here“.
  • Upon clicking it, you’ll be taken the “Agrecalc Cloud Upgrade Request” page. This will notify us that you are ready to migrated over to Agrecalc Cloud.

The next steps

  • When we have accepted your request and scheduled you for migration, we will notify you of the dates this will happen. We will securely move all your data Agrecalc Cloud.
  • We understand that you may have projects to finish, for which you’ll still need access to the old platform and some of its functionality for consistent reporting. We will be transferring users and their data in batches throughout the summer, so you don’t need to worry about moving to the new platform immediately. You can add a note to the “Agrecalc Cloud Upgrade Request” page with instructions to us about your timing.
  • We will let you know when the current platform will be sunset and no longer available for your use, and therefore when you will be required to migrate, if you haven’t done so already. We will give you notice of when this will happen. Please note: you can only be registered on and active in one Agrecalc platform at a time; multiple accounts being created may result in loss of data.

Why it is important to move to Agrecalc Cloud

Watch the video below to hear Agrecalc Business Development Lead and Principal Agricultural Consultant, Julian Bell, talk about the importance of measuring and benchmarking now, and how the transition will be unfolding over the next few months.

Get in touch

Contact our team for help and support about transitioning to Agrecalc Cloud.

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