Agrecalc Cloud - Free trial

Try Agrecalc Cloud for three months for free:

  • Learn your way around the platform
  • Find out what data is requested by the system
  • Generate a sample Report with your own data

For security purposes, you will have to create an account.

Check it out for yourself:

Free Trial

Non-commercial use only
£ 0
Per farm for three months
  • Individual farm
  • One farm profile
  • Whole farm, enterprise and product

Lowering your carbon emissions and driving efficiency savings doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg.

In fact, it doesn’t have to cost you anything at all if you trial out our platform, and then decide that it is not the right choice for your business (but we’re confident that it is).

That is why we’re giving you the option to try it for three months completely free*.

You can register one farm, and you will get one watermarked report. But you can still calculate the emissions for your whole farm, emissions per enterprise, and per kilo of product your farm is producing. 

Learn what your baseline is to get you started on your resource efficiency journey.

*Terms and conditions apply.  Read them here.

Train yourself on the platform for free

With a generous three-month interval, you have the time to explore the platform at a leisurely pace. For comparison’s sake, most major platforms-as-a-service give away only between 7 days and one month for free. Agrecalc Cloud allows you to learn what data you might need, and test if the platform meets your requirements.

Find out what data you need

Only the data-obsessed individuals have everything to hand when they sit down to populate a platform with everything needed. But we all know life is not like this. The three-month trial period allows you to gather your purchase receipts, go through your farm accounts, and obtain the numbers which will ultimately give you the precise carbon footprint result that will guide your actions. 

Download the free checklist telling you where you can find that information.

Learn where your highest emissions are

Agrecalc Cloud Free Trial still gives you insight into the total emissions on your farm, as well as per each enterprise you’ve got, and per kilo of product that you produce. This data is both visually laid out in graphs, and as tables with more detailed numbers.

Dive deep into your Enterprises

You can easily find out if a particular enterprise, or a particular practice is the largest source of your emissions. Agrecalc Cloud allows you to see what your emissions are per enterprise, so that you can target that section of your farm with appropriate mitigation measures.


Please note that the free trial is only for one farm. It is not possible to add more users for this type of subscription (e.g., your consultant). 

The report generated will be watermarked, and we can not guarantee that it will be accepted by your processor, or for compliance purposes.

If you decide to go for the paid version, our yearly subscription for commercial use on an individual farm business gives you the option to create multiple farm reports and scenarios at any time during the year.

This will help you understand the mitigation measures that can be applied and the cost / benefit to your farm.

Upgrade to Pro version for £99 / year

To benefit from features like the access to the software for the whole year, multiple farm reports, and a report validation by an experienced consultant, upgrade to the pro package for £99. That’s a value pack for just £8.25 per month*, and you can also:

  • test various options with scenario planning;
  • benchmark your business or individual enterprises against best and worst resource efficiency performers;
  • print out reports (without watermark).

You can buy it by getting in touch with us via [email protected] .

We are also working on enabling self service, and will launch our Shop soon.

*price paid annually and subject to change.

For security purposes, you will have to create an account.

A story from a farmer like you

Reaching carbon neutral beef production at Edinvale Farm

Using Agrecalc for their carbon audits year after year, the business has achieved considerable savings in resource use and also lowered its carbon footprint by a third. Although there’s a way to go to achieve overall carbon neutrality, the figures from the first three years show an overall reduction from 51 kg of CO2e per kilo of output down to 27 kg of CO2e per kilo of output.

Explore what Agrecalc Cloud can do for:

Agricultural Consultants

• Recommend actions based on data
• Guide your client towards sustainability
• Provide audit trail to help with finances


• Participate in relevant schemes
• Compare data and KPIs
• Explore new market solutions

Sustainability managers

• Manage thousands of farms
• Benchmark your performers
• Report on sustainability progress

Fill out the form to get the demo

You can request a demo of Agrecalc Cloud to be delivered straight into your inbox by submitting your details on the form below.

Need to discuss more?

Contact us today to learn more how we can support your work.